Monday, February 27, 2006

My Two Boys

I had a very exciting father and sons moment this weekend which both surprised me and showed me just how wonderfully my two boys are growing up.

Jacob’s been doing Conductive Education again, and this time around has had some good accomplishments. The most notable is his ability to sit up on the floor, supporting himself with only his hands on the floor. He’s been able to do that for a much longer time than ever before, sometimes as much as ten, fifteen or even more minutes.

So, we were over at a friend’s house last night for dinner, and as everyone divided up into conversations, I found myself as the lone grownup, on the floor with my two boys. Brendon wanted to play me a game of chess. So, he pulled out the board and started setting up the pieces. I didn’t really know if he even new how to play. He’d said that our friend, Mitchell, had shown him how all the pieces moved. OK, well, let’s give it a shot, right?

I scooted Jacob up to be near us, and sat him up, cross-legged by the board, then I, on my tummy, and my head near Jake, started setting up the pieces with Brendon.

Brendon and I started the game, and he played pretty well. I was really surprised. I would stop and talk about the moves a lot, and I offered to let him change his moves from time to time, but I was shocked at how well he understood the game!

And all this while, Jacob was playing with me. For a while, he was leaning his head down and bonking it into mine, then giggling and saying, “Bonk!” The cool thing about that was that he was doing it and maintaining his balance at the same time. At one point he lifted his arms up and said, “Look! No hands!” Then he put his hands back into their position for holding himself up.

The first part of this year has been very difficult for us, and it was a real struggle to bring Conductive Ed in this time. But when I see Jacob doing things like that, it’s all worth it. And It’s a joy to see Brendon tackling things that I think should be too hard for him, and doing well at them. I’m very lucky to be their dad!

Mark Hansen

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations Mark! Wahoo! I enjoy hearing the stories that you share about the progress of your son(s), it brightens my day. Thanks.



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